Senate Bill, THC and Hemp

Senate Bill 260 would provide more funds to school districts for increased security and safety measures. Abolish Daylight ...
House Bill 239, which echoes a bathroom bill that failed in 2017, includes new provisions for shelters and prisons.
AUSTIN, Texas (KLTV) - Texas legislators want to make the state a leader in dementia research. Senate Bill 5 would create the “Dementia Prevention and Research Institute of Texas,” and $3 billion ...
Many school districts have struggled to afford the cost of complying with House Bill 3 from 2023, which requires schools to ...
Under Senate Bill 26, public school teachers would be guaranteed raises in their third and fifth years in the classroom.
Texas Senate Bill 26, which aims to increase teacher salaries across the state, has passed the Senate and is now headed to ...
A Texas Senate bill filed on Tuesday would provide long-term pay raises to teachers based on years of experience, expand a ...
AUSTIN, Texas — State Sen. Charles Perry (R-Lubbock) has filed a bill to expand medical marijuana access through the Texas ...