Instead this year there are already 15,000 more payment defaults in the register than there were during the whole of last ...
Piekiäinen's rent exceeds the limit in force for Tampere by 43 euros. Up to now, Kela has paid the full amount. Now he has to ...
Middle-aged women, mostly in the 55-64 age range, are top users of the obesity drugs, according to Kela. Nearly half of Finns ...
How much should it cost to go for a swim? That's the question Tampere daily Aamulehti is pondering on Tuesday, as it follows ...
Helsinki District Court on Tuesday began hearing the case of a 40-year-old woman accused of murdering her eight-month-old baby in a private residence in the capital's Vuosaari area this past June. The ...
Rallies in support of Israel are taking place at 27 different locations across Finland on Monday evening. In addition to a ...
The 8,000-capacity arena was designed by the Helsinki-based JKMM Architects and hosted its first game in spring this year.
Next year, health centre visits will cost about 28 euros and hospital outpatient fees will increase by approximately 20 euros ...
Suomalaisiin pankkeihin kohdistuu hyökkäyksiä huomattavasti useammin kuin uutisotsikoista voisi päätellä, kertoo asiantuntija ...
Epäluottamuksen taustalla on ulkomaankauppa- ja kehitysministeri Ville Tavion (ps.) päätös jättää Suomi Ukrainan ...
Ampumisessa loukkaantunut uhri oli pitseriassa työntekijänä kesken ampumavälikohtauksen. Paikalla oli hänen lisäkseen myös ...
Asiantuntija Topi Nättinen ja toimittaja Jussi Paasi ruotivat jääkiekon SM-liigan kuumimmat puheenaiheet viidessä minuutissa.