En inventant les réseaux de neurones artificiels dans les années 1980, John Hopfield et Geoffrey Hinton ont posé les bases de l’intelligence artificielle.
But trying to land on a precise number diverts effort and attention from the climate impacts we’re already seeing.
If you’re tempted to do a make a couple of cheeky payments while waiting for the band to come on, think again.
England’s opt-out organ donation system aimed to increase the number of donations. But new research reveals the policy has instead led to confusion, complications and a drop in donation rates.
If you’ve been on TikTok or Instagram recently, you’ve likely come across trad wives. The trend features videos of young women influencers showcasing their domestic lives as trad or “traditional” ...
Today marked the formal beginning of the criminal investigation against three people who served as senior Carabineros commanders during the political repression of protests in 2019. Under their ...
The UK government has serious ambition when it comes to solving England’s housing crisis. Shortly after the 2024 general election, it pledged to build 1.5 million new homes over the next five years.
Alors que la guerre ravage Gaza depuis un an, l’Agence des Nations Unies pour les réfugiés palestiniens (UNRWA) est « plus que jamais indispensable » et « plus que jamais irremplaçable », a déclaré ...
« Nous avions une norme de 50 kilos par jour. J'avais l'habitude de mélanger de la terre avec du coton dans mon sac, juste pour être sûr d'atteindre mon quota. » ...
Based on federal budgeting requests from the past 2 administrations, Trump and Harris placed different values on science research funding.
John Hopfield and Geoffrey Hinton, the 2024 Physics Nobel laureates, developed computer systems that can memorise and learn from patterns in data.
The United Kingdom is resetting its relations with Africa and other countries in the global south after more than a decade of neglect. At the United Nations in September, British prime minister Keir ...