Driving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Transformation: Insights from the APAC DEI Summit 2024 As a strong advocate for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (hereinafter known as “DEI”), I was truly ...
Mastering digital marketing requires a combination of creativity, strategy, and adaptability. Digital marketing has evolved into a cornerstone of modern business success, reshaping how brands interact ...
Timeless Values to Guide Leaders Toward Integrity, Purpose, and a Legacy That Truly Matters Whether in life or leadership, I believe that it is useful to have some form of guidance on what behaviours ...
Empower your team by ensuring they know what matters most What if this year, you could empower your team to not only start strong but stay strong—aligned, motivated, and clear on what success looks ...
Wow, you scrolled all the way to the bottom! You must really like us. Since you’re here, we’d like to ask you to consider donating to the maintenance and upkeep of our site, which as it turns out is ...
Perubahan paling pantas dan besar dalam tempat kerja telah berlaku dalam tempoh empat tahun lepas, dan kelajuan serta jumlah perubahan hanya akan terus meningkat. Organisasi kini perlu navigasi tenaga ...
Pekan lalu, ada pengalaman menarik yang mengubah pandangan saya tentang rapat yang efisien. Jadi begini, ada seorang klien datang terlambat 20 menit ke rapat Zoom yang hanya dijadwalkan selama 25 ...
Kita sering mendengar peringatan untuk tidak membuka Pandora’s Box atau Kotak Pandora, sebuah kisah dari mitologi Yunani yang merujuk pada guci yang berisi segala kejahatan di dunia. Namun, kita ...
Memberi Kuasa kepada Pasukan Anda dengan Memastikan Mereka Tahu Apa yang Paling Penting Bagaimana jika tahun ini, anda dapat membangunkan pasukan anda bukan sahaja untuk memulakan dengan kukuh tetapi ...
Seorang pemuda bernama Raka (bukan nama yang sebenarnya), baru-baru ini merasakan hidupnya berubah menjadi kabur. Ia duduk di depan layar ponselnya hampir sepanjang hari, menggulir media sosial tanpa ...
The most rapid and vast changes to the workplace have occurred over the past four years, and the speed and volume of change will only continue to increase. Organisations must now navigate a workforce ...
The recent Gallup State of Global Workplace 2023 Report calls out that only 23% of global employees identify themselves as feeling engaged and thriving. Even more alarming is that the report suggests ...