The preceding discussion in the section entitled “Potential impact of AI on the doctor-patient relationship” concluded that ethical standards need to be developed around transparency, bias, ...
The remainder of this section focuses on an account of the healing relationship and medicine’s fiduciary duties developed in the context of virtue ethics. A virtue-based approach emphasises the ...
An influential approach which prescribes ideal ends (and thus norms and internal goods) of medicine based upon virtue ethics has been advanced by Pellegrino and Thomasma. Within this approach, based ...
Other initiatives toward reduction of coercion and promotion of voluntary practices, including advance planning mechanisms, peer support and the peer workforce, and training for mental health ...
Projekat se realizira u cilju podrške Bosni i Hercegovini u primjeni Konvencije Vijeća Evrope o borbi protiv trgovine ljudima i državne strategije i akcionog plana za borbu protiv trgovine ljudima.
The Council of Europe project on ’’Strengthening the Role of Key Actors in Drug Prevention” is looking for Provider (s) for ...
The decision to operate must be signed by the doctor and co-signed by a representative of the hospital administration or by a ...
Who is actually involved in public debates In this document and in Article 28 of the Oviedo Convention the overarching concept of ‘public debate’ is used to describe discursive interactions in the ...
Generalsekretär Alain Berset hat sich im Rahmen des Besuchs des regierenden Fürsten im Europarat mit Fürst Albert II. von ...
Le Secrétaire Général, Alain Berset, et le Prince Albert II de Monaco se sont rencontrés dans le ...
Speech by Michael O'Flaherty, Council of Europe Commissioner for Human Rights, delivered at the ...
The Committee of Experts on combating technology-facilitated violence against women and girls (GEC/PC-eVIO) is a joint subcommittee to the Gender Equality Commission (GEC) and to the European ...