Paris' centuries-old Louvre Museum — home of da Vinci's iconic Mona Lisa — is getting an $800 million makeover, and American visitors will have to help pay for it.
French President Emmanuel Macron gives a speech to announce a multi-year overhaul, long-term investments to modernize the Louvre museum, next to Leonardo da Vinci's painting of the Mona Lisa ...
Macron has his sights set on the Louvre. He is aiming to harness the French sense of grandeur and the resources of its most wealthy citizens in the same way he did for the Notre-Dame cathedral, which ...
And 40 years ago, Francois Mitterrand undertook the Grand Louvre that we know today, including I.M. Pei’s glass pyramid. So it was almost unsurprising when Emmanuel Macron, having just ...
Macron indicated that this cost will be covered ... endowment fund created following the agreement that gave birth to the Louvre Abu Dhabi brought in €10 million in 2023) and private funding.
Maître de Conférence à l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne et chercheur au laboratoire Habiter le Monde, Université de Picardie Jules Verne (UPJV) Dans ses annonces d’une « nouvelle renaissance du ...
Emmanuel Macron a annoncé, à la fin de janvier, la rénovation du Louvre d’ici à 2031 avec un nouvel espace pour « La Joconde » accessible de manière autonome.
Vous êtes en terminale ou en première spécialité histoire-géographie, géopolitique et sciences politiques (HGGSP) ? La Lettre ...
French President Emmanuel Macron announced a huge new investment in The Louvre. A first part of the plan, to include the new entrance, the special spot for the Mona Lisa and new exhibition rooms ...
France24 (Video) France: The Louvre struggles with mass tourism Posted: February 5, 2025 | Last updated: February 5, 2025 French President Emmanuel Macron announced a huge new investment in The ...
Certains ont affirmé que pour financer les futurs travaux, Emmanuel Macron songeait à vendre la ... suffisant pour couvrir les travaux du Louvre qui sont estimés à 800 millions d'euros.