Emma Drake, a beloved General Hospital character since 2008, was portrayed by Brooklyn Rae Silzer until 2023 and is now played by Braedyn Bruner. The daughter of Dr. Patrick Drake and Dr. Robin ...
General Hospital fans are no strangers to a recast. However, when a new episode aired on December 23, it shocked fans when they saw the beloved character, Emma Drake, return to the show ...
The post Here’s Why Joss And Emma Could Be Headed For An Epic Rivalry On General Hospital appeared first on Soap Hub Dear ...
Fans of General Hospital were met with a surprise when Brooklyn Rae Silzer’s Emma Drake was replaced. Silzer, who portrayed Emma for over a decade, has been replaced by Braedyn Bruner.
General Hospital fans have recently received a special Christmas treat as the new Emma Drake is introduced on December 23 episode. According to a report by TV Insider, Emma’s role is played by a ...
Braedyn Bruner will make her General Hospital debut as Emma Drake on December 23. The newcomer was no stranger to the soap when she auditioned for the role of Robin Scorpio (originated by Kimberly ...
Braedyn Bruner will make her General Hospital debut as Emma Drake on December 23. Bruner’s path to Port Charles began when she was five and filmed her first commercial. “I always loved movies ...
Brooklyn Rae Silzer has broken her silence on her “General Hospital” exit. The actress, 18, played the character Emma Drake for 13 years before being replaced by Braedyn Bruner, 24.
After growing up on General Hospital, Brooklyn Rae Silzer said goodbye to her longtime fans and TV alter ego, Emma Drake, earlier this week after her role was recast. Silzer, 18, broke her silence ...