A story of control and competition unfolds, with the ongoing feud between OpenAI co-founders, Elon Musk and Sam Altman.
OpenAI is officially done pretending it can run like a charity. On Friday, the company announced it has finalized plans to ...
Nonprofit Encode has requested permission to file an amicus brief to support Elon Musk in his dispute with OpenAI. The ...
OpenAI redefines AGI with a $100 billion profitability goal, signaling ashift from technical milestones to economic impact.
OpenAI CEO Sam Altman believes that Elon Musk's hostility stems from the company's success and his lack of control over the company.
In a recent interview, Sam Altman describes Elon Musk as a bully, which highlighted their troubled relationship.
If the steady stream of tech CEOs visiting Mar-a-Lago is any indication, we can expect Silicon Valley to be more willing to ...
Elon Musk xAI raises $6B, totaling $12B funding amid lawsuits against OpenAI, and Microsoft over alleged anti-competitive ...
Nevertheless, the deals — and xAI’s developer and consumer-facing products — have driven xAI’s revenue to around $100 million ...
Elon Musk had a cracking 2024, it must be said – a year when his ventures achieved significant milestones across various ...
The Epoch Times has bestowed Elon Musk with the title 'Innovation Newsmaker of the Year,' recognising the 53-year-old ...