Desde el Gobierno de Formosa advirtieron sobre las consecuencias en la salud pública, si Argentina se retira de la OMS.
La decisión del Gobierno nacional de retirar a la Argentina de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) generó una ola de ...
Recent reports have revealed that the Argentina President Javier Milei also walked the similar path like US President Donald ...
La vocera del organismo celebró los progresos en la baja de la inflación y la estabilización de la economía. También aseguró ...
El diputado santafesino denunció que Milei está “mutilando los derechos del colectivo LGBT y la salud pública” y desplegó una ...
Esteban Paulón apuntó contra el discurso del mandatario en el Foro Económico de Davos y lo acusó de vincular a la comunidad ...
Argentinian President Milei has taken steps follow in President Trump's footsteps and withdraw his country from the World ...
The Government of Argentina announced this Wednesday its decision to withdraw from the World Health Organization (WHO), ...
Argentina’s far-right populist President Javier Milei says he is withdrawing Argentina from the World Health Organization, ...
Argentina announced it would follow the United States out of the World Health Organization, echoing Trump's repeated ...
Manuel Adorni, a rep for President Javier Milei, cited "profound differences" with the UN agency in the Wednesday ...
The reason behind the decision echoes similar narratives made by the U.S., including the allegations that WHO “lacked the ...