A personalized circadian Zeitgeber therapy as an adjunctive treatment for alcohol use disorder patients: results of a pilot ...
Exercise improves sleep quality and helps treat sleep disorders by regulating circadian rhythms, reducing stress, and ...
Food acts as an environmental cue (or zeitgeber) reinforcing this sync-up. Messing up this routine can throw off your internal clock and disrupt metabolic processes over time—raising risks of ...
Age-matched (~12–14 weeks) adult male and female C57BL/6J (Jax ID: 000664) mice were group housed with mice of the same sex under a 12:12 light–dark cycle [lights on 0700, zeitgeber time (ZT0), lights ...
Circadian rhythms in mammals are regulated by a master circadian pacemaker located in the hypothalamic suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), which coordinates rhythmic processes throughout the organism ...
Background: The use of light for its antidepressant action dates back to the beginnings of civilization. Three decades ago, the use of bright-light therapy (BLT) for treating Seasonal Affective ...