Back in time for a winter anime debut, Solo Leveling drops its second season on Crunchyroll. The series adapts Chugong's Korean manwha into an anime about magic-wielding hunters who defend humanity ...
NTDev shared their achievement on X, describing it as "absolutely insane, and possibly a record." This feat was made possible by Tiny11, the developer's custom-modified version ...
To activate BitLocker Drive Encryption on your Windows 11 PC, you’ll first need to upgrade to Windows 11 Professional if you ...
The latest version of the Photos app on Windows 11 has Optical Character Recognition or OCR capabilities. In short, you can ...
As internet threats have evolved, Windows has consistently provided tools to help users stay safe online. One of the earliest ...
Discover essential apps and features for your new Windows 11 PC, from browsers and document tools to security tips, phone integration, and getting started with ease.
How will information technology and the surround of digital security develop during the course of 2025? One person taking a look into the digitalized crystal ball is Paul Walker, field strategist at ...
Microsoft has been working on dynamic animated wallpapers for Windows 11 for a few years, and now a former designer has revealed exactly what they look like. Sergey Kisselev, a former motion designer ...