(Bloomberg) -- Donald Trump hates wind power. John Thune may be poised to protect it. Thune, elected Senate majority leader Wednesday by Republicans, has long championed wind energy, which ...
After some painstaking work, he was able to turn a ceiling fan into a wind turbine (of sorts). While it’s true that some generators and motors can be used interchangeably by reversing the flow ...
[Mr Tickles] has uploaded a video where he has a cheaper DIY method of making a DIY wind turbine. His project uses a commercial ceiling fan as a turbine for converting the wind energy into ...
A planned project in Texas could be the world's first direct air capture development to rely primarily on electricity ...
Enough turbines to generate all of America’s power would warm the U.S. by 0.24 degrees Celsius Giant wind turbines that generate fossil fuel–free power add a little heat of their own to the ...
Netherlands-based startup Airturb has developed a 500 W hybrid wind-solar power system that can be used for residential or off-grid applications. “The system consists of a vertical axis wind ...