March might be coming in like that proverbial lion with spring not officially arriving for another two weeks on March 20, but ...
Snow goose feeding at Middle Creek ... ring-necked duck, gadwall, American wigeon, bald eagle, and greater white-fronted goose. The Middle Creek visitors center is open Tuesday to Saturday ...
This group, which includes mallards, pintails, wigeon and others, cannot dive into the depths, but feed on aquatic vegetation in the shallows. Lake Erie is a vital way station for waterfowl that ...
Birds such as the Eurasian wigeon and the lesser whistling duck ... The lake’s shallow waters and abundant vegetation provide an ideal feeding and resting ground for these species.
Teresa Frost outlines the importance of the BTO's Low Tide Counts for accurately assessing populations of estuary birds, as ...
Hundreds of mallards, with a few northern pintails and American wigeon mixed in were flying ... It would leave the hundreds of feeding birds, fly out and land on a snow-covered field.