One in four adults reckon they’ve been sold a counterfeit vape – with many believing ‘most’ shops are selling dodgy goods.
Could your vape be fake? Growing numbers of vapers are questioning the authenticity of their devices, raising concerns about ...
A recent survey of 500 vapers found that many are concerned that "most" shops are selling counterfeit vapes - but few ...
A vape retailer in New Plymouth, Coronation Vape, has been fined $22,000 for repeatedly failing to abide by the law and ignore infringement notices served.
A poll of 500 vapers revealed 67 per cent of those suspect ... than half of the UK’s top 200 retailers are selling illicit vape products—a concerning reality for consumers.
The city isn’t only taking a hard stance on vaping and smoking. Recently, the city approved an ordinance to also limit liquor stores from opening.
“They must be at least 500 feet from a church, a school or daycare and also have been a quarter a mile away from each other,” Mayor Bell said. Bell said, currently, there are over 20 vape ...
When problems arise onboard, what should cruise guests do? Carnival Cruise Line has one simple step that should always be first.