UFUNA ukubona ubulungiswa ngokushesha umndeni webhungu okuthiwa lishaywe ngonogada abaqapha inxanxathela yezitolo eChatsworth ...
Uyise wale ntombazane, eyashona ifunda uGrade 10 eDabeka Secondary School, eMaqadini, uMnuz Delani Mhlongo uthe okwenza yena namalungu omndenij wakhe bangakutholi ukuphumula ngalesi simo wukuthi manje ...
@th.andi385 wrote: “Big up to the boy he's ready to protect the family 👏👏👏👏👏.” @sfisogumede_ commented: “Every man would be lucky to have a son that can protect umndeni when t ...
@sfisogumede_ commented: “Every man would be lucky to have a son that can protect umndeni when the going gets tough . @iintyatyambobyphila said: “Sbindilives up to his name this one.” ...
UZIKHOTHA amanxeba umndeni kaMnu Senzo Mfayela (63) obengusopolitiki owaziwayo njengoba ubeyilungu eliqavile leNkatha Freedom Party (IFP), odlule emhlabeni ngeSonto ekuseni. Umphefumulo kaMnu Mfayela ...
Umcimbi wokubongwa kwakhe wawuhanjelwe ngabaholi bemikhakha eyahlukene okubalwa kubona abangani bakhe abakhulu okunguMntwana ...
Ngaphezu kweminyaka engama-30 yobuchwepheshe obuningi emkhakheni kawoyela, uMnu. Saikia uyi-chartered accountant odlale indima ebalulekile ekugcineni impumelelo yezezimali ye-NRL. Umndeni wakwa-NRL ...
I asked ukuthi where will I be approved? Impilo izoma mengiveza iPayslip yami. I asked ngizowondla kanjan umndeni wami ngalemali ngoba bonke babheke mina? Bona bangaphila ngalemali? Bengingalwi.
Businessman, reality TV star, polygamist and TV presenter, Musa Mseleku has recently lauded his son, reality TV star, Mpumelelo ‘Sbindi’ Mseleku for his bravery, shortly after it was alleged that he ...