Hänen mielestään se, että sisäministeri Mari Rantanen (ps) nauttii edelleen pääministeri Orpon luottamusta, syö hallituksen rasismin vastaisen ohjelman luotettavuutta. Lisäksi hänestä hallituksen ...
Vuoden 2025 aluevaalien alustavat ehdokaslistat on julkaistu. Ehdokashakemuksia ei ole vielä tarkastettu, joten alustaviin ehdokaslistoihin voi tulla vielä muutoksia ja korjauksia. Aluevaalit ja ...
Special Olympics -kesämaailmankisat ja -talvimaailmankisat järjestetään vaihtovuosin kahden vuoden välein. Vuonna 2019 ...
Perjantaina SM-lyöntipelikisoissa haettiin asetelmia viimeiselle päivällä. Voimistunut tuuli ja kireät lipunpaikat vaikeuttivat tuloksentekoa, eikä eilisen kaltaisia birdie-juhlia nähty. SM-kullasta ...
The Mikko Rantanen trade rumors are heating up, but it sure seems like the Carolina forward is holding most of the cards right now. With Rantanen and the Hurricanes unable to reach a long-term ...
The “Moose” is a creator of wonder and mystery. Mikko Rantanen returned to Ball Arena with no one completely sure why he left. Regardless of Texas’ lack of state income tax, Sunday showed ...
DENVER — Mikko Rantanen tapped his heart as the video screen showed highlights in the first period of his Colorado Avalanche career, culminating with him hoisting the Stanley Cup. The crowd greeted ...
Finnish ice hockey player Mikko Rantanen received an emotional tribute at Ball Arena during his first game against former team, Colorado Avalanche, since his trade. The heartfelt farewell included ...
That’s part of what has made the Mikko Rantanen saga so fascinating. For six weeks, there was a steady stream of reporting, opinions and information that blurred the lines between the two after ...
Who needs Mikko Rantanen when you have Markko Jankinen? Look, no one expected Mark Jankowski to score like this, nor should it necessarily be expected of him in the future. He was the replacement ...
The Carolina Hurricanes have become the talk of the NHL since they acquired star forward Mikko Rantanen from the Colorado Avalanche. Since his arrival, however, Rantanen’s future with the ...
Jankowski has six goals in his first seven games with the team. Imagn Images Who needs Mikko Rantanen when you have Markko Jankinen? Look, no one expected Mark Jankowski to score like this ...