Cairo reportedly began compiling lists of Egyptians who had decided to go and fight in Syria after the start of the uprising. Saudi state media, citing Egyptian sources, reported that some of the ...
Removal of the word "Adivasi" from the back cover of NCTB textbooks is a betrayal of the July uprising's spirit, said speakers at an event yesterday. "Those who participated in the July uprising ...
Grav accident de circulatie pe soseaua ce leaga Timisoara de Resita, duminica seara. Un sofer de 18 ani a intrat pe contrasens in zona localitatii Moniom si a lovit alte 4 autoturisme. In urma ...
TIMISOARA. Reprezentantii Enel/PPC Energie fac lucrari de revizii, reparatii si modernizari in reteaua de distributie, astfel ca, in perioada urmatoare va fi nevoie sa intrerupa furnizarea curentului ...