[1] In a broad population sample, Framingham Heart Study investigators reported evaluating 7,814 free-living participants, 822 (10.5%) of which reported at least one syncopal event during an ...
A 79-year-old black male nursing home resident with chronic renal failure had a syncopal episode postdialysis and fell, striking his left thigh. He bled into his left thigh over the next 24 hours ...
A 28-year-old man with no medical history presented to the emergency department after experiencing a syncopal episode 3 hours before arrival. The patient reported no preceding chest pain, palpitations ...
Une noyade est une mort par immersion prolongée dans un liquide, généralement de l'eau. La noyade n'entraine pas nécessairement la pénétration de grande quantité d'eau dans les poumons. La pénétration ...