Researchers investigated different compositions of tin sulfides to find the ideal material for devices that harness solar energy.
Sulphur is an essential nutrient for all plants and animals. Its behaviour in the soil is very similar to that of nitrogen. In other words, high rainfall can lead to leaching. This, in turn could lead ...
Saul Luciano Lliuya Peru is home to nearly 70% of the world’s tropical glaciers, considered at high risk due to being constantly near or at melting temperature. They play a key role in water ...
Then, in 2020, new international regulations cut ships’ sulfur emissions by 77%. Our newly published research shows how lightning over shipping lanes dropped by half almost overnight after the ...
When the rover rolled its 899-kilogram (1,982-pound) body over the rock in May last year, the rock broke open, revealing yellow crystals of elemental sulfur: brimstone. Although sulfates are fairly ...
Greater international attention is shifting to a melting island in the North Atlantic. The lodes of graphite, copper, and other valuable deposits, which the Greenland Institute of Natural Resources ...
With its abundant sulfur reserves—a byproduct of the oil industry—and increasing lithium production, the Kingdom is laying the foundation for a robust battery manufacturing ecosystem that ...
But fresh, cool water from melting Antarctic ice is diluting the salty water of the ocean, potentially disrupting the vital ocean current. Our new research suggests the Antarctic Circumpolar ...
But fresh, cool water from melting Antarctic ice is diluting the salty water of the ocean, potentially disrupting the vital ocean current. Our new research suggests the Antarctic Circumpolar ...