The hit show, also starring Paul Wesley and Damon Salvatore, centered on the love triangle between teen Elena and two vampire brothers, Stefan Salvatore (Wesley) and Damon Salvatore (Somerhalder).
The investigation found that caregivers of the infants had used a popular over-the-counter hair-loss treatment containing 5% topical minoxidil. It is believed that the minoxidil was transferred to ...
Make smarter investments with weekly expert stock picks from the Smart Investor Newsletter Salvatore Ferragamo S.p.A. anticipates a potential write-down of €70 to 90 million due to asset ...
It all comes down to using the right products for your hair and the look you’re going for. When you finally find the best styling products for your hair, everything just clicks. Switching from ...
Promise. "Damn, Mary, your hair got so long since I last saw you." That's the first thing my hairstylist said to me when I sat down in his chair two weeks ago. I'll admit that isn't too uncommon ...
Whether you're compiling bridal hair inspiration for your big day, or looking for an easy shortcut to effortlessly chic tresses (without having to spare a moment of much needed beauty sleep in the ...
Stefan Liau, the chef-owner of modern-European restaurant Hevel, has died aged 33. The restaurant, located in the heart of Tanjong Pagar, announced the news on its Instagram on Saturday (Dec 7).