Luis Robert Jr. is back to to slugging baseballs, even if just for a while, And with him in the lineup, the Sox are better by ...
After each game a Ranger player, or two, or three (if they win) are compelled to meet the media and offer thoughts on the ...
For nearly four decades, much-loved Honesdale teacher Pete Ruvolo recited "Casey at the Bat" on Opening Day. We remember him ...
But there is no joy in Mudville, Mighty Casey has struck out.” Those are the last words of Ernest Lawrence Thayer’s classic baseball poem titled, “Casey at the Bat,” written and published in 1888, ...
Instead, he's steadfastly dedicated to the rhythms and poetry of baseball, the casual conversations between teammates, and the quiet beauty of an umpire cleaning off home plate in between batters.
See how many works of prose and poetry by popular Irish authors you can find in this short scene — and build a reading list ...
A baseball movie will often spin a yarn about ... They tout the majesty, poetry, superstitions and purity of the sport, appealing to truisms lodged in our cultural understanding of fairness ...
You make your money when you hit the ball out front,” Twins outfielder Walker Jenkins, the No. 3 overall prospect in baseball ...
Shriver recalls the ensuing “self-pity party” that included “a litany of trips to various therapists, healers, shamans, and ...
"N" If you say...", "'z"You're good at that" Make an acrostic poem with your team name and say your determination. The ...
The Liberty County High School softball team built a new locker room, and the players believe the addition has contributed to ...
Alonso has 226 homers through six seasonsm and if he plays nine more seasons he'll need to average about 31 per year to get ...