A Letter to the World,” follows the powerful journey of Makayla Cain, a 14-year-old who has a rare form of autism that has led to her being uncommunicative during much of her childhood years. But ...
Revenue is the backbone of any business, and for Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) practices, timely reimbursements are crucial. Delays and denials don't just frustrate staff - they can drain a practice ...
She is non-verbal but finding her voice through letter board therapy. Her struggles and triumphs are documented in Makayla’s ...
There were no roll calls in the House or Senate last week. GOV. MAURA HEALEY SIGNS MORE BILLS INTO LAW – Here are some of the many bills that were signed into law by Gov.
On a tennis court with a makeshift basketball hoop installed on the side, a 10-year-old’s bleeding knee told the tale of the fierce competition within the Hammond basketball clan. It was there six ...