The Telegraph Online had earlier reported on the people living for seven decades on the sixth floor roof of Karnani Estate on ...
However, an innovative rooftop sports facility known as 'Cover ... Cover Drive' is seen as a positive development for the slum dwellers. Local players appreciate the space, even though many ...
By 2007, it became home to 3,000 people who left their shanties in the ill-reputed Petare slum of east Caracas and moved into the half-constructed high-rise with large rooms, balconies. Picture by: ...
Researchers at the National Taiwan University have proposed to use rooftop solar power generation as an antidote to the so-called rooftop slum, which consists of building illegal housing on the ...
In the Vanzara Vas slum in the Narol area of the city, which has more than 2,000 dwellings, most of them airless, one-room homes, residents who are part of the project, such as Nehal Vijaybhai ...
With the help of Unita Subbdivisa, a pressure group for housing problems, junior reporter Veronica Lin visited rooftop slums and subdivided apartments, while Clara Chan learned about the ...