A tenant's union is having issues hosting events at their apartment complex due to an issue with management.The union says it ...
The Trump administration is investigating how the Goldberg error happened, as well it should. It seems unlikely that anyone ...
A judge challenging the outcome of his North Carolina Supreme Court race was photographed wearing Confederate military garb ...
For me, a line was crossed this week when the faculty at Washington & Lee University voted to demand the school drop the second half of its name to erase its affiliation with Robert E. Lee.
The Robert E. Lee Community Center in Chase City is about to undergo a historic makeover. On Monday night, Chase City Town ...
A top athlete at a Texas high school named after Robert E. Lee is helping lead a charge of students who say they will no longer wear the school’s jersey, as they do not want to represent the ...
Robert E. Lee at age 31, then a young Lieutenant of Engineers, U. S. Army, 1838. PD. Robert Edward Lee is the fourth child born to Colonel Harry and Ann Lee, prominent members of the Virginia ...
No man proved a more worthy opponent to Ulysses S. Grant than Confederate General Robert E. Lee. Lee was born the fourth child of Colonel Henry Lee and Ann Hill Carter on January 19, 1807.
The fate of the Robert E. Lee Community Center is once again on the agenda for members of Chase City Town Council. Chase City Mayor Alden Fahringer has called a special meeting of Town Council Monday, ...
The meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at the Jim Plyler Instructional Complex. Robert E. Lee High School was opened in 1958 as an all white school during a period of intense resistance to ...
Both the San Antonio Housing Trust and developer Weston Urban have put in bids for the Robert E. Lee Apartments in downtown.
All 72 units of the historical Robert E. Lee apartment complex have been affordable housing because the owner, RELEE partners, used state low-income housing tax credits. Residents who live there ...