South Australia will introduce the nation’s strongest protections for sharks and rays, driven by a community-led campaign ...
The crested horn shark, which looks almost identical to the Port Jackson shark, is a major predator of Port Jackson shark eggs. They crush the eggs using their strong jaws, feeding off the rich yolk.
One of the most famous bullheads — and the largest — is the Port Jackson shark (Heterodontus portusjacksoni), an Australian species that can reach up to 5.4 feet (1.65 meters). Carpet sharks ...
During the day, they are more likely to be in deeper water. The Port Jackson Shark is a nocturnal shark, and are commonly found around Port Jackson Harbour in Sydney (hence the name). They are not ...
The Port Jackson shark (pictured) is one of 77 species of shark, ray and chimaera to fall under the new protections.
The eggs vary from the spectacular corkscrew shapes of the Port Jackson shark to mermaid’s purses or even eggs suspended by spiralling fronds. These eggs are complete life support systems ...
Nicolas Remy (Australia) records the moment a crested hornshark snatches a Port Jackson shark egg for a meal. Nicolas makes regular dives to document Port Jackson sharks. Approaching from a distance, ...