Mega Absol returns in Pokemon GO for a limited time, offering trainers the chance to battle and collect Mega Energy. To ...
Pokémon Horizons is aging up Liko and Roy with a time skip, hinting that growth is possible, does this mean Ash Ketchum could ...
Pokémon Go’s Deep Depths event features an interesting lineup of dark-type and water-type Pokémon, as well as a certain fox’s ...
Pokemon GO Mega Absol Raid Day is set for March 23, 2025, featuring increased Shiny rates, Mega Absol appearances, and the ...
The Team Rocket-themed merchandise for Pokemon TCG will release on April 18th. The Pokemon Company is also holding a lottery ...
Pokémon Go ’s “Deep Depths” event is focusing on water- and dark-type Pokémon and runs from March 19-24.
To get Thievul in Pokémon Go, you must evolve Nickit with 50 Candy. Even if Nickit can be found in a handful of ways on its ...
Pokemon Go’s Might and Mastery season is celebrating the Scroll Cup: Great League Edition and here are the best fighters for ...
Trainers can efficiently defeat the dual Ground- and Psychic-type Claydol in Pokemon GO raids by focusing on its multiple ...
Despite all the controversy, Palworld has been a runaway success, having accumulated over 32 million players in the past year ...
A Pokemon fan artist crafts Chimchar, Monferno, and Infernape as crochet dolls and shares their handiwork with their fellow ...
Surprisingly, Pokémon and Godzilla have quite a few things in common. Many Pokémon actually look like the kaiju in Godzilla ...