Cocaine "is no worse than whiskey" and is only illegal because it comes from Latin America, said Colombian President Gustavo ...
Colombian president Gustavo Petro has ordered the state-run oil company Ecopetrol to cancel a joint venture with U.S.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro killed a deal between his state-run oil company and a U.S. counterpart weeks after backing ...
Colombian President Gustavo Petro on Tuesday called for the sale of state oil firm Ecopetrol's fracking operations in the ...
El presidente de Colombia, Gustavo Petro, ha sorprendido a todos por sus declaraciones durante un Consejo de Ministros, que ...
El mandatario colombiano quedará en la historia como aquel que gobernó para Twitter, una red en la que ha revelado ...
President of Colombia Gustavo Petro advocated for global cocaine legalization, arguing it could dismantle cartels.
Colombian President Gustavo Petro has said that “cocaine is no worse than whisky,” as he suggested the multibillion dollar ...
El Ministerio de Minas y Energía anunció que tiene toda la información necesaria para 'facilitar la investigación'.
During a six-hour government meeting that was broadcast live, Colombian President Gustavo Petro said legalised cocaine could ...
El exdirector del Dapre habló de su renuncia, de la polémica por llegada de Armando Benedetti y la transmisión del consejo de ...