The director, Paul Schrader, one of the most singular and obsessive auteurs America has ever produced, did not grow up loving ...
After enjoying a five-decades-long career as a film critic, director, and screenwriter, Paul Schrader has come to ... would spend hours locked in a room of his own, frantically prompting AI ...
She’s learned to live with them, she knows her partner better than he knows himself, she seems to find his unburdening indulgent, and she, of course, also blurs with other women into the slipstream of ...
Paul Schrader, the genius behind some of the most iconic movies ever made, has just given us all a hot take that will leave you scratching your head.
Addison Heimann's gloriously inventive Touch Me is one of the strangest movies ever accepted at Sundance: It's a hypnotic ...
Paul Schrader didn’t see a movie until he was 17 years old, and when he finally snuck away from his strict Calvinist home to ...