Continueranno ad arrivarci tram dall’aeroporto alle 5 del mattino e a mezzanotte: sarà rimpiazzata dalla Vacs. Vanno avanti ...
Once you step foot in Florence, it’s easy to see why it was once Italy’s capital and why it’s such a cultural touchstone (the ...
L’improvvisa scomparsa, in un incidente domestico, del fondatore della Azimut Benetti: “Ha dato lavoro a molte persone”. Lo ...
Florence's Vasari Corridor, a historic passage once exclusive to the Medici family, is now open to the public for the first ...
For centuries, Florence's 16th-century Vasari Corridor was only accessible to dukes and lords. Now, the raised passageway that connects the city's Uffizi Galleries to the former residence of the ...
Palazzo Vecchio dà il via ai progetti, finanziati coi soldi di via Bufalini, Cerdec e Manifattura ...
Il Comune rimborserà il 75% del canone per l’occupazione del suolo pubblico. Se tutto filerà liscio dal 20 gennaio la linea ...
Nardella was not born a Florentine, but migrated from Naples with his family at age 13. He said he was “adopted” by the city ...