I would plunk my tricorne hat atop my head and meet the incoming waves of visitors, herding them around the Common and ...
Museum leaders are working to connect people today to the events of 1776. They’re confident they can, and will.
Immediately after the war, the Allies – led by the U.S., France and Britain – stayed together to craft the peace agreements, feed the war-ravaged parts of Europe and intervene in Russia after the ...
P resident Donald Trump has a fondness for giving himself nicknames: “ very stable genius ,” “ Honest Don ,” and now “the ...
A girl with pigtails looks out of a window into a multicolored fantasy world. Yellow cones of light shine from her eyes. A ...
Of the original American colonial state constitutions, 13 out of 13 had the declaration of faith: “I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.” ...
The final declaration of the Paris AI Action Summit, titled “Statement on Inclusive and Sustainable Artificial Intelligence ...
A teacher-student team from Sayre High School was chosen to represent Pennsylvania in the second-annual Young People’s Continental Congress event held this July in Philadelphia. Teacher Jennifer Ameig ...
Thomas Jefferson claimed he came up with a plan for the emancipation of enslaved Black Americans 100 years before the Civil ...
Parents need to know that Independence Day is an action-packed science-fiction film about an alien invasion. Filled with scenes of the fiery destruction of entire cities and the people who live in ...
After arriving from Ireland as an indentured servant, George Taylor called the Lehigh Valley region home for most of his life ...
The nation's founders, who pledged "our lives, our fortunes, our sacred honor" for the ideals of the Declaration of Independence would be aghast that today practically every young American is ...