With a deadly parasite spreading among Britain's bird population, people are being urged to make a simple change to their ...
The emergence of bird flu in Florida, particularly its impact on dolphins, raises concerns about potential human transmission ...
Wild duck hunting is added to a list of prohibited activities near an outbreak of the H7 strain of bird flu, and shooters ...
Six African Penguins at the New England Aquarium in Boston have made a new home on an island designed to address the aches ...
A goldfinch first captured during a ringing session in England has been found 360 miles away (579km) on the west coast of ...
Although the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) located H5N1 bird flu virus in samples of raw, or unpasteurized, milk in ...
Researchers worked with the Army Corps of Engineers to lower the water level in Red Rock reservoir a foot and a half so the ...
In the early 1950s, a turkey hunter and his wife joined their buddy in the Ozarks. They called in a gray fox — and a gobbler.
The Springfield Thunderbirds (30-23-2-4) could not keep the newest Bruin quiet as Providence (33-19-4-3) skated away with a 4 ...
The final documentary of the late Charlie Bird is set to air later this month, Virgin Media has announced. The station will ...
Ukrainian forces have pulled almost entirely out of the Kursk region of Russia, ending an offensive that had stunned the ...
Fans navigating the dozens of schools in the NCAA men’s and women’s basketball tournaments might become as attached to the ...