Some media reports and popular accounts on social media have claimed that Israel detonated a low-yield tactical nuclear ...
The number of Chinese operational nuclear warheads has increased by more than 100 to over 600, the Pentagon reported.
The B61 bomb’s reported yield will be adjustable to between 0.3 and 50 kilotons. A kiloton is the equivalent of 1,000 tons of TNT. Although not possessing the long-distance standoff capacity of either ...
Described as the most expensive nuclear bomb project ever, the B61-12 combines enhanced precision with a lower yield, making it the most versatile and usable nuclear weapon in America’s arsenal.
A thousand feet beneath the desert, the United States conducts experiments to verify that its weapons work. But some fear a ...
For nearly 30 years, the world's major powers have observed a voluntary moratorium on nuclear testing. But with tensions rising around the globe, some fear that could soon change.
The NNSA has recently given the public a rare glimpse into one of the secret nuclear labs where America used to test its ...
Once China produced weapons-grade uranium, it assembled its first atomic bomb in as little as three to five weeks. Iran may ...
New York City has been simulated as the location of a nuclear bomb explosion, with a map showing the catastrophic damage that ...
North Korea’s leader has grown more assertive since their last efforts at diplomacy ended in failure — and now has Russia at ...
“The United States does not have sufficient nuclear weapons and few of them have high-confidence capabilities (very high-yield or high-yield and earth/rock penetrating capability) to threaten ...