3月也可說是Netflix的電影月,本次上架了不少新電影,有紀錄20世紀60年代最臭名昭著連環殺人案的《狂亂背後:曼森家族謀殺案》,還有美國政府追捕賓拉登全紀錄《全美緝兇:賓拉登》,更有柳俊烈、申鉉彬全新組合領銜主演的《來自誰的啟示》!快來看看Netflix 3月有哪些寶藏作品可以收進片單中。
全職家庭主婦重回職場?美冴穿上淺灰色的「Miracle Air西裝外套、長褲」,內搭白色開領上衣,不只看起來俐落又減齡,還擁有吸汗速乾、抗紫外線功能,再搭配皮包、皮鞋細節, 還有那一抹很少見的「自信微笑」,美成這樣廣志一定會再度戀愛吧(笑)?
知名保養品牌nywowo正式宣布,邀請新生代人氣演員林奕嵐(CharlizeLamb)擔任全新品牌代言人,攜手推廣品牌旗下熱銷系列「蘭花精萃緊顏水嫩雪蘭乳」,讓更多消費者感受極致護膚體驗。憑藉Netflix台劇《她和她的她》獲得火爆討論的林奕嵐,除了 ...
茂林、甲仙區的高雄GO自3月7日起正式上線營運!在當地區公所、里長及鄉親的見證下,上午11時在茂林、下午2時在甲仙,由高雄市副市長林欽榮與茂林、甲仙鄉親宣布兩區預約式的幸福共享高雄GO正式上路提供運輸服務。透過追蹤風傳媒幸福共享高雄GO自110年起 ...
Netflix is spreading the love this month by serving up terrific titles all March long, so get ready to check out the best movies and shows streaming now. You can count on Netflix to lead the way ...
There are so many film experiences to choose from on Netflix, let us help you narrow down your choices. By Jason Bailey Sign up for our Watching newsletter to get recommendations on the best films ...
火星人福氣金鑛公司與高雄市電腦商業同業公會及意法半導體ST晶片共同合作,開發出IPNo.實價登錄晶片防偽Ai系統。 (圖/業者 提供) 【警政時報 司徒/臺北報導】 ...
Here’s how it works. But despite being a massively popular service — or, more likely, because it's so popular — Netflix doesn't offer many deals or discounts. The streamer has chosen other ...
Exploring the thousands of titles on Netflix can be both exciting and overwhelming. Content of all types abounds, from dramas and comedies to reality shows and documentaries. It’s a good thing ...
Netflix is one of the most popular streaming services in the world, with over 300 million subscribers. And just what do those people tend to watch? In particular, what is the most popular movie on ...
[周刊王CTWANT] 財政部指出,2024年9-10月期的發票,還有5張千萬特別獎得主尚未領獎。對此,財政部也提醒,領獎期限僅到3月5號,呼籲民眾趕緊檢查自己身邊的發票有無中獎,以免千萬獎金擦肩而過。