Nairobi businessman Francis Mburu Mungai was reported dead at his home in Karen on Thursday, February 20 Mburu was known for his vast business ventures in real estate that earned him fortunes as ...
For the best experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser settings. Sam Mburu and Beatrice Wanjiku In her affidavit Beatrice Wanjiku is demanding for half of ...
My name is Michael and 33. I’m employed and earning a net salary of Sh32,500 per month. I am permanent and pensionable. I am married with three kids aged between four and six. My wife runs a ...
Italy is often thought of as a political laboratory, anticipating events in other countries: fascism in the 1920s; the showman-businessman turned politician in the 1990s; populism in the 2010s. Great ...
Tha Ruairidh Greumach sa cathair a-nochd le taghadh eile de cheòl agus òrain. Blas den fharsaingeachd de dh'òrain ùra a chaidh a sgrìobhadh bho thoiseach na linne seo.
Nairobi businessman Francis Mburu Mungai was reported dead at his home in Karen on Thursday, February 20 Mburu was known for his vast business ventures in real estate that earned him fortunes as one ...
Naidheachdan ionadail, nàiseanta is eadar-nàiseanta gach madainn.
TAITA Taveta, Kenya, Feb 22 – Sixty Micro, Small, and Medium Entrepreneurs (MSMEs) in Taita Taveta County have been trained on risk management and insurance awareness as part of ongoing efforts to ...
Unlocking state-of-the-art artificial intelligence and building with the world's talent ...
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