…. Děje se tak v době, kdy na několik zahraničních ambasád v Kinshasy zaútočili místní s požadavkem, aby se země postavily proti skupině M23, která získala kontrolu nad městem Goma na východě Konga. ( ...
Demokratická republika Kongo ukrývá nerostné bohatství v odhadované hodnotě stovek bilionů korun. Boj o přírodní zdroje ...
The viability of regional trade has been put to question by the ongoing unrest in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Vězenkyně byly napadeny v ženském křídle káznice Munzenze. Objekt byl následně zapálen. Humanitární podmínky jsou ve městě podle zástupkyně velitele mírových sil OSN zoufalé.
Při masovém útěku z věznice ve městě Goma na východě Demokratické republiky Kongo zemřelo více než 150 vězeňkyň. Během ...
KAMPALA, Uganda — After Rwanda-backed M23 rebels took control of the biggest city in eastern Congo this week, the man who emerged from the shadows to assert his leadership was not the group’s ...
The M23 and Rwandan forces on Wednesday launched a new attack on the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, seizing a mining town in South Kivu province, as they resumed their advance towards the ...
Share on Pinterest Scientists have found an explanation for how NAD affects the aging process. Johner Images/Getty Images NAD is a molecule found in every living cell of the body that plays an ...
The rebel group M23 declared a ceasefire in areas under its control in the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, citing humanitarian reasons. The streets of Goma were busy as aid groups rushed ...
NAD is a molecule found in every living cell of the body that plays an important role in creating energy in the body. Researchers from the University of Bergen, for the first time, show how ...
As M23 Rebel Group Advances in Congo, a New Leader Signals a Shift in Its Identity KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — After Rwanda-backed M23 rebels took control of the biggest city in eastern Congo this ...
Paul Kagame, president of neighbouring Rwanda, whose government is accused of backing the M23 rebels, is there, along with other leaders from eastern and southern Africa. Leaders from the East ...