The dark energy's impact may be weakening over time, according to new results from the DESI collaboration, which includes ...
A new study using the Dark Energy Survey (DES) final datasets suggests potential inconsistencies in the standard cosmological ...
The fate of the universe hinges on the balance between matter and dark energy: the fundamental ingredient that drives its accelerating expansion.
The 3D cosmic map building DESI has provided more clues that dark energy is weakening over time, suggesting our best model of ...
By combining ultrasound with a concept called nonlinear acoustics, you can create sound that stays silent until it reaches a ...
Workers cannot afford a return to an austerity Budget that weakens public services and denies badly needed economic stimulus, ...
A QUT cosmologist is part of the international research team that today has published an analysis that shines new light on ...
The Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI), which involves UCL researchers, has released its most detailed analysis yet ...
Dark energy, in the form of a cosmological constant (Λ), has been seen as responsible for the accelerating expansion of space ...
OnSyte Performance, LLC ("OnSyte" or the "Company") is proud to announce the installation of its Distributed Wastewater Treatment System (DWTS) at Lake Nellie Crossing, a new 102-lot residential ...