Mrithika Electronics is one of the well-known service centers you can visit for all your device related damages be it – laptops. We here have updated address, contact number and direction for you to ...
Regenersis Mrithika Electronics is one of the well-known service centers you can visit for all your device related damages be it – tablets, laptops, mobiles, desktop pcs, monitors. We here have ...
Artificial Intelligence Applications,Artificial Intelligence Models,Confusion Matrix,Convolutional Layers,Convolutional Neural Network,Cultural Heritage,Deep Learning ...
You can create a release to package software, along with release notes and links to binary files, for other people to use. Learn more about releases in our docs.
A possessed 13-year-old girl commits a horrific act, burying a secret. Years later, she returns to the village with her family, unaware of the looming vengeance from the past.