New research suggests that women were the scribes of at least 1.1 percent of manuscripts in the Latin West between 400 and ...
The vast majority of female scribes remain anonymous. Many likely worked in convents or lay workshops, their contributions ...
The local chapter of the Society for Creative Anachronism encourages members to study the Middle Ages, practice medieval arts ...
A study provides new insights into the many overlooked women scribes who wrote manuscripts in the Middle Ages.
If you’re looking for something truly unique to name your next fur child, why not take inspiration from medieval times? Back in the 15th century, Edward of Norwich, 2nd Duke of York, compiled ...
From knights and nobles to blacksmiths and merchants, most medieval last names reflected a person’s trade, homeland, or unique traits. Whether tracing ancestry or seeking the perfect name for a ...
The medieval astronomical instrument comes from the 11th-century Al-Andalus region, which is now modern-day Spain. The ...
Rothenburg’s Medieval Crime and Punishment Museum ... Mayor Toppler. Despite the name, its floor plan is more like a four-story tree house. The mayor built it in an attempt to demonstrate ...
The Greek Ministry of Culture launched a project to protect and promote the Palace of the Grand Master, in the Medieval City of Rhodes ...