Not every bee lives in a hive and makes honey. But some of those other bees are necessary for a healthy garden. Mason bees, for instance, are small native bees with 150 species found in North America.
A great example is a beekeeper who recently introduced a new hack when they suggested the tops of old Parmesan cheese ...
On a subzero morning, I clip into skis and head out across my meadow, gliding between desiccated husks of sundial lupine ...
During each of her 25 foraging trips per egg, a mason bee female will visit up to 75 flowers. Pollinator decline has not been limited to honey bees (Berenbaum 2007). Declines have been observed in ...
From $25; Hedgerow Herb Co., 811 E. Burnside St., Suite 116; Raising Mason Bees: 10 a.m.-noon. Join mason bee expert Ron Spendal for a class focusing on environmental needs ...
Solvin Zankl (Germany) carefully watches a two-coloured mason bee build the roof of its nest. While exploring a favourite haunt in central Germany, Solvin came across several tiny piles of sticks on ...
Events are free unless noted. Please email calendar submissions at least three weeks in advance to [email protected]. ONGOING Wildlife and Water Friendly Garden Series: (online with an option ...
Locked behind a keypad door on the roof of the Life Sciences Building is UCLA’s apiary – a collection of beehives carefully ...