A Michigan teen might hold the key to sainthood for the Blessed Solanus Casey, the Capuchin friar who worked at St. Bonaventure Monastery in Detroit.
On Mothering Sunday, we can remember the famous mothers of the Bible. Many of these mothers played an important role not only in the Bible, but also in history and theology. This is the story ...
After 14 years of being childless, a Benue-born Fashion designer, identified only as Mary, finally held her bundle of joy.
Mother is gold” is an African saying. No, I’m not about to contend with what usually follows; that “Father is glass”. We all know that on any Mother’s Day, one is bound to have syrupy attestations of ...
The National World War Two Museum and the Gary Sinise Foundation celebrate the trailblazing women who worked in the American ...
Sunday, March 30 marks Mother’s Day in the U.K. (Mother’s Day in the United States will be celebrated on Sunday, May 11). The ...
The Feast of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, celebrated annually on November 21st, commemorates the presentation of the Blessed Virgin as a child by her parents in the Temple in ...
Established in 1883 and granted annually, the school’s Laetare Medal is “the oldest and most prestigious honor given to ...
As Women’s History Month draws to a close in tandem with Mother’s Day, we’re celebrating and showcasing the phenomenal work ...
In my experience with Maria, the key to a lasting friendship is this: Tell each other the truth. Even when things are hard, ...