The former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, who passed away recently, scripted India’s belated economic reforms, chiefly liberalization and globalization, as Finance Minister under the active ...
Delhi's Central News Agency, a landmark for decades, has transformed into Dosa Coffee, marking a shift from old charm to ...
BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla criticized Congress for naming its new headquarters Indira Bhawan instead of honoring ...
The Congress party found itself in a state of confusion on the inauguration day of their new headquarters 'Indira Bhawan' as ...
Ahead of the inauguration of the building, posters were seen outside the new Congress headquarters demanding that it be named ...
Instead of starting a war with Pakistan and giving it exactly what it wanted, the Manmohan Singh government worked to isolate ...
In every role he held, be it Finance Minister or Prime Minister, Singh remained open-minded and constantly sought new ideas.