“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive ...
Will we embrace King's call to seek light, love and justice? Or a darker vision, where if some of us are to have, we must ...
ABC24's Visual Storyteller Randy Paige visits NCRM to ask people what MLK Day meant to them. Coast Guard Commandant ...
Dear Readers: Wishing you all a very happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day!
Over the course of this week, Bucknell and Susquehanna universities and local entities will host a series of commemorating ...
"Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy." -- Jude 24 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. used the beginning of ...
The nonprofit organization, Crispus Attucks York, hosted their 43rd Annual MLK Jr. Day of Service event in honor of Dr.
Dear Readers: Wishing you all a very happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day!
Wishing you all a very happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day and Inauguration Day! I thought it would be a good time to find some ...
Three years after I wrote a column on this holiday calling for us to honor MLK by stopping the shooting and killing of each other, it's worse.
Vince Watts, the keynote speaker at Canton's MLK Jr. Day event, advocated for continuation of diversity, equity and inclusion ...
Civil rights leader Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr delivers a speech at UC Berkeley’s Sproul Plaza, Berkeley, California, ...