Bollywood superstar Salman Khan celebrated his 59th birthday with his family and close friends on December 27, 2024. The event was filled with joy, laughter, and warm moments as Salman cut his ...
Meteo Bianco Venerdì 27 Dicembre: giornata caratterizzata da qualche nube sparsa. In particolare avremo soleggiamento diffuso al mattino, cielo poco nuvoloso o velato al pomeriggio, cielo molto ...
lulia, who is rumoured to be dating Salman since many years, shared an adorable throwback photo of Salman Khan with his niece Ayat, who shares the same birthdate as him. In the picture, Salman could ...
Their bond stole the spotlight, highlighting the deep connection they share. In a video that has surfaced online, Iulia is seen bidding a warm farewell to Helen with a heartfelt hug. Iulia also ...