The thyroid gland regulates body metabolism by releasing hormones T3 and T4. Conditions like hypothyroidism and ...
The biotechnology sector is gaining new momentum with better market conditions, cutting-edge innovations, and growing ...
MOST of us get sweaty at night every now and again, and blame it on bad dreams or booze after a few too many pints.  But ...
Q. My husband had been getting testosterone shots every three weeks for many years for Low T. I was concerned that this might be affecting his heart, so he agreed to stop the shots this summer and see ...
The cause of an underactive thyroid can be primary, secondary, or tertiary. Hollywood actor and author Stanley Tucci underwent high-dose radiation and chemotherapy after a tumour was discovered at the ...
DEAR PEOPLE’S PHARMACY: I was listening to your radio show and heard your thyroid specialist mention that people who are cold all the time might be suffering from low thyroid. He also said that if ...
Doctors diagnose hypothyroidism using blood tests that measure thyroid hormone levels. The most common test looks at ...
I would be so tired in the afternoon, like completely exhausted by one o’clock and I was like, something’s wrong with me,” said the actor.
T3 in Hypothyroidism Gets Extra Recommendation, With Caveats UK thyroid societies say the combination of LT3 with levothyroxine (LT4) may be warranted when symptoms persist after monotherapy ...
Black pepper, dry ginger, and honey are healthy ingredients, but they’re not proven to cure thyroid disorders. The promise of ...
I am 71, and I recently saw my urologist for urinating a lot and not getting enough sleep. He performed a flow test and a ...
Scientists from the University of Surrey have discovered that people who fall asleep late are more prone to depression. The ...