Easter Sunday moves around the calendar. Here's why this culmination of Holy Week can take place between March 22 and April 25.
Iowa City, 319-338-5436 Regina Catholic High School hosts a fish fry each Friday during Lent from 5 to 7 p.m. The first fish ...
Ash Wednesday is March 5, which marks the beginning of Lent for Christians. Lent is a time to prepare for the celebration of Easter (April 20 this year). The three pillars of Lent are prayer ...
Ash Wednesday, a Christian holy day marking the start of Lent, falls on March 5, 2025. Lent will extend for 46 days, concluding with Easter Sunday on April 20, 2025. While considered the most ...
As Lent begins on March 5, we are reminded of the opportunity to grow in faith as we journey in the desert with Jesus for 40 days. Prayer, fasting, and almsgiving are the three areas in which we ...
Ash Wednesday begins Wednesday, March 5, when many Christians begin the 40 days of Lent with fasting and prayer. Aside from faithful prayer, many faithful give up meat on Fridays, and restaurants ...
During Lent, Martita's Lunch Box, at 3623 Buckner St., offers an array of popular Lent staples including lentil soup ($8.50 large), fried fish with rice, baked potato and salad ($11.50), shrimp ...
For most Christians, Lent begins March 5 and culminates with Easter, which this year is April 20. Also beginning are the usual dietary restrictions on Lenten Fridays, when the devout eschew meat ...
Last year, FOX 5 reported on how officials with Parks and Recreation decided to tear down the old play structure because it was no longer safe. The city said it was due to corrosion and deterioration.
5. 'What Wondrous Love is This?' A popular American folk hymn from the 19th century with an unknown author, “What Wondrous Love is This?” is often sung in church services during Lent and on Good ...
“Because there are very few hymns that encompass the entire period of Lent and take us to Easter, it fills a needed gap in the hymn repertoire and starts us off on the journey toward Holy Week and ...