Remember that feeling when you first looked down on a microscope? Now you can re-live it but in slightly different way. [Venkes] came up with a way to make a Laser Scanning Microscope (LSM ...
Lightfield 4D overcomes these challenges by imaging entire 3D data sets at a precise moment in time, eliminating time delays ...
The basic scheme here is known as confocal laser scanning fluorescence microscopy, where a laser at one wavelength excites fluorescent tags bound to structures in a sample. Light emitted by the ...
The inverted Zeiss CLSM 510 laser scanning confocal microscope is equipped with three PMT detectors, seven laser lines (405, 458, 477, 488, 514, 543, 633 nm), motorized Z-drive and a wide range of ...
Located on the lower level of Upham Hall, CAMI houses: 2 scanning electron microscopes (SEM), 2 transmission electron microscopes (TEM), 2 laser scanning confocal microscopes,1 deconvolution light ...
The system delivers unmatched high-speed imaging, essential for capturing the dynamic in vivo response, with fine laser control pinpointing the precise site for optimum excitation efficiency ...
The Wolfson Bioimaging Facility is exceptionally well equipped for confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), the most widely used technique we provide. CLSM offers enhanced optical sectioning when ...
On the two-photon front, there are also constant developments that can extend the usefulness of laser microscopy. One shortcoming of most two-photon microscopes is that the serial scanning of the ...
Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded for the development of super-resolved fluorescence microscopy, including STED ...
I built a 3D printed, scanning laser confocal microscope so I could collect 3D surface topology and profilometry data! The microscope stage is based on an OpenFlexure "Delta" stage, and the ...
High-speed fluorescence imaging of physiological and neuronal processes Gentle long-term observation of living organisms ...