Barbarian invasions in Greece during the Byzantine era were common with mostly Albanian tribes settling in the fertile plains ...
February 21st marks the day in 1913 when Ioannina, the capital of Epirus in northwestern Greece, was liberated from the ...
Products from the Thessalian land will promote Greece in Morocco, as this implies the launch of a business mission of the ...
Two interesting sporting events are scheduled to take place in Elassona and Larissa in the near future, with the aim of ...
An Administrative Inquiry was ordered at Volos Hospital, following the complaint by parents that a four-month-old infant ...
6646,627,666 (6464,627,627), of which 6464,627 (6464,627) is for 6464,627 (646,627). Granting of an ENFIA exemption to ...
A deadly standoff in Larissa ended in tragedy as a 60-year-old gunman, with a history of far-right extremism, killed two ...
A team of Jewish relief workers arrived in Greece after WWII to aid war-torn communities. Facing political turmoil and social ...
The Greek island's most important industry will bounce back, but staffing is a worry say hoteliers Three more quakes above 4.0 magnitude are registered on Monday near the Greek tourist hotspot.
While there are many more acropoleis (the plural of "acropolis") in Greece, it's this one in central Athens that garners the most attention. In fact, it's routinely referred to simply as "The ...
It was the largest protest in Greece in more than a decade and rallies also took place in more than 100 other cities across the country. The protests come following the release to local media of a ...