Ingrediente especial do país agrada a padeiros e chefs renomados e ocupa o espaço dos produtos da Itália e da França, até ...
O ECO é um jornal económico digital que junta uma plataforma tecnológica inovadora a um jornalismo independente e próximo dos leitores.
As padarias também estão sentindo o aperto. Scott Auslander, gerente geral da padaria Bread Furst, de Washington, DC, disse que o aumento nos preços dos ovos não tem precedentes.
Porto Alegre está prestes a ganhar um novo palco. Com estreia marcada para o próximo dia 27 de março, o Teatro Simões Lopes Neto marca a entrega definitiva do Multipalco Eva Sopher aos gaúchos.
Listen to this episode of Since Sliced Bread, recorded live at the American Society of Baking’s BakingTech conference earlier ...
A cheesecake vending machine – yes, a machine that dispense cheesecakes – will go up in the Mall courtesy of a locally owned ...
The Ventura County city located about 55 miles northwest of Downtown LA is the home of Roan Mills, a cult-favorite Southern California bakery and farmers market vendor. At farmers markets from ...
Noga Bread Co. is named for an area in Israel where the couple behind the bakery lived for a time. The baker mills his own grains for the shop’s breads and pastries, and the menu changes weekly ...
It became a defining moment for Ramos after she developed her style at upscale Downtown LA restaurants 71 Above and Redbird. Now, at her new Highland Park bakery, Santa Canela, Ramos will grow her ...
Don’t miss the bread and spread – to choose your own slices and toppings, while unique takes on classic croissants are fun and tasty. Unlicensed. Alserkal Avenue, Al Quoz, (04 359 3553).