BUCHAREST (Reuters) - Romania's outgoing President Klaus Iohannis said on Sunday he was "optimistic" he would soon designate ...
Autonome Subjektivität und Panentheistic Turn der Theologie. Über die Logik eines vermeintlichen Antagonismus. In: Viertbauer, Klaus / Kögerler, Reinhart (Hgg.): Das autonome Subjekt? Eine Denkform in ...
Romanian president Klaus Iohannis has officially summoned the newly elected Parliament to convene on Friday, December 20, at the Palace of Parliament. During the inaugural session, the MPs will ...
The identity of the hangman who executed Adolf Eichmann in 1962 was kept secret for three decades. By the time Shalom Nagar’s name was unearthed by Israeli journalists, Nagar had retired from ...
Hitler war in der Partei sehr erfolgreich. Im Jahr 1923 versuchte er mit seinen Anhängern gewaltsam die Macht in Deutschland an sich zu reißen. Das klappte nicht und Hitler musste ins Gefängnis ...
The small center party REPER called on Romanian president Klaus Iohannis to declassify information related to the parliamentary elections, similar to the disclosures concerning the presidential ...
"It's the car that was used by Adolf Hitler." Jeff Noakes, the museum's Second World War historian, said the limousine is an important piece of the Canadian War Museum's collection that helps ...
Both were driven by the need to write, to be clear, to the end. Klaus Barbie, former Gestapo officer, at the first session of his trial in a Lyon court.Peter Turnley (Corbis/VCG via Getty Images) ...
sagte Präsident Klaus Iohannis am Freitagabend in einer Ansprache. Nur wenige Stunden nach der Bekanntgabe des Gerichtsurteils, das die rumänische Gesellschaft erschütterte, erklärte Iohannis ...
Current President Klaus Iohannis has been forced to extend his term, political candidates are trying to regroup and preparing to rerun their expensive campaigns, and millions of voters are wondering ...
Hinweise auf Einmischung Russlands Erst am Mittwoch gab Iohannis Geheimdienstdokumente frei, die nahelegen, dass der prorussische Kandidat Georgescu seinen überraschenden Wahlerfolg bei der ...