The Kingston Trio continues to tour and record, though now with none of the original members. -- Written by Bart Mendoza for San Diego Troubadour, used with permission) In 2008, John Stewart and ...
Another chilly day has elapsed on the calendar, so here’s to another edition of No Skips, the weekly column where I argue why an album is devoid of any skippable songs.
Todd Barry, Feb 22 at Assembly Kingston. Get tickets. John Pizzarelli ... Skeleton Krewe Trio, Feb. 28 at Bearsville Theater. Get tickets. Saxsquatch, March 1 at Empire Live.
“There are times when we all need to share a little pain… when all hope is gone, sad songs say so much,” sings Elton John on “Sad ... was a hit for The Kingston Trio in 1962 and was ...
"Daily Show" host Jon Stewart sounded off on the media's constant "fascist" attacks towards President Donald Trump, saying they've "numbed" the country as a result. In an off-air clip shared by ...
Jon Stewart is warning Democrats and other critics of Donald Trump against overusing their claims of authoritarianism after the president's first week in office, which included a slew of executive ...
“Daily Show” alumnus and “Last Week Tonight” host John Oliver crashed Jon Stewart’s monologue on Monday. “Are you here to offer America your wisdom and counsel?” Stewart asked.
Jon Stewart and Donald Trump are actually in alignment on at least one issue: plastic straws. As part of Trump’s efforts to roll back the efforts of the Biden administration, the President ...
John Oliver has returned to his old stomping grounds. The "Last Week Tonight" host made a surprise appearance Monday on "The Daily Show," where he reunited with Jon Stewart, more than a decade ...
Jon Stewart says he's bored of anti-Trump Democrats calling the president a 'fascist' and says the word is being overused to the point where it's losing its meaning. The Daily Show star ...
Donald Trump has only been back in office for a week and Jon Stewart is already pretty tired. On a new episode of The Daily Show he professed that the onslaught of current events has been a little ...
On Monday, perhaps the most successful alum of the Jon Stewart-era of “The Daily Show” John Oliver, host of “Last Week Tonight,” made a surprise return to the show. But he wasn’t there ...